Advice and insights for getting more landscape design clients

Should you charge a flat rate for your landscape designs?
If you read my earlier post, “How To Make Money As A Landscape Designer”, you know I believe in charging a flat rate for landscape designs. I have never, and will never, take on a project at an hourly rate. Why?

Complete List Of Blog Posts For Landscape Designers
You are a landscape designer and you want to write about it on your website. But what should you blog about? Here is my big list of blog posts that actually work!

Yes, You Should Have A Landscape Design Blog
Even if you think you can’t write, there is good reason to try your hand at blogging. I know from experience that, while it may be time consuming, blogging is usually going to be worth the effort. Why?

How To Make Money As A Landscape Designer
Landscape design brings in about 10% of our revenue, with profit margins that are 75%+. I could lose all my employees tomorrow and still provide for my family of 6 with just design work. What has worked for me?
These four things have been my keys to being profitable as a landscape designer:

Is Your Google Business Profile Working Hard Enough?
If we rank your digital property by importance to your landscape business, your website is clearly #1. But what is #2? Your Google Business Profile (GBP), by a wide margin.
Why is your GBP so important?

Should You List Your Business Online?
There are hundreds (thousands?) of places online where you can list your business. A relatively small number of these have some relevance to your landscape design business. Should you spend some of your precious time, or money, on them?
Yes, and here are a few good reasons why: